IrelandsEye Knitwear x Brown Thomas’ Create Showcase 2022
“Put On Some Clothes Or You’ll Catch Your Death…”

The Inspiration
Ireland's Eye is a small, long-uninhabited island off the coast of County Dublin, situated directly north of Howth village and harbour. The rugged island is home for large numbers of indigenous sea birds, including Puffins, Gulls, Razorbills and Gannets, along with bees and plenty of colourful flora and fauna. The only structures on the island are a Martello Tower and the ruins of an eighth-century stone church.
IrelandsEye Knitwear’s Head of Design, Maria-Christina McPadden drew on the colours and textures of Ireland’s Eye for this collection of sweaters, cardigans, shorts and accessories, including hats and legwarmers. The intricate cable stitching is inspired by the Garland of Howth, a holy manuscript said to be created on The Island. The starting point of this collection refers to Victorian times, when women were often medically advised to wear warm, gentle clothes to protect them from exposure and illness (think of the deep, square-cut chests and heavily corseted waists of the time).

The Collection
The Collection’s oversize proportions offer warmth and protection, while designs are young, feminine and modern. Created from 100% Merino wool, the elaborate and fluid cabling is soft and tactile, making pieces very wearable from season-to-season, designed to become heirloom treasures. Colours are bright and bold, inspired by nature with each shade exclusively blended for IrelandsEye Knitwear.
Meet the Team

Brothers Brendan O'Sullivan (Director) and Paul O'Sullivan (Managing Director) with Head of Design Maria-Christina McPadden, centre with the collection designed for Create at Brown Thomas, at the IrelandsEye Knitwear factory in Baldoyle, Co Dublin.